by SZIPE | Sep 14, 2014 | News 新闻
2014第一届深圳国际摄影艺术展览共收到来自71个国家5488位作者投交的32377幅作品。9月9-10日,经过十位国内外专业评委的评选,彩色组、黑白组各评选出奖项40个,共80个奖项。来自印度的摄影师KUNDU.ARUNABHA的作品《KITES》获得彩色组“深圳杯”金奖;来自西班牙的摄影师Serra.Cristina的作品《Els temps passa》获得彩色组FIAP金牌;中国摄影师何异能的作品《The arrow...
by SZIPE | Apr 14, 2014 | News 新闻
General conditions of entry The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to the exhibition rules and conditions. The exhibition is...