General conditions of entry

General conditions of entry Given the honor on 25 November to 3 December 2015, held in Shenzhen Luohu Art Museum “The 2nd Shenzhen China International Exhibition of Photography 2015″
- The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to the exhibition rules and conditions.
- The exhibition is divided into two divisions:
- Monochrome Digital Images;
- Color Digital Images.
- Entry fees : Participation is free of charge.
- This exhibition is held in conformity with the exhibition standards and regulations of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). The acceptances will be sent to FIAP for counting towards FIAP distinctions. Acceptance Certificate will be issued and report cards are sent via airmail.
- Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright. Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates subject to divisional restrictions. All final work must be on photographic film, or on electronic file, or on photographic or electronic print material, mounting excepted.
- All submitted entries will be handled by us carefully, but we assume no liability for any loss or damage to any entries or related material. Compensation in any form will not be entertained.
- A digital catalogues will be published on and the prize winners can receive a print catalogue.
- An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging. The decisions of the judges are final and without appeal.
- Submission of entries signifies recognition of and consent to the conditions of entry mentioned above.
- Requirement for Digital Images
- A maximum of 4 Monochrome or Color Digital Images for each division. Images must be submitted in JPEG format, sRGB, maximum image size 2400 pixels long side, with resolution 72dpi or above and do not exceed 2Mb.
- Image file name must be marked by section code(b or c) and ordinal number(1-4),only using English lowercase. The file name of Monochrome section is “B1.jpg”, “B2.jpg”, “B3.jpg” and “B4.jpg”. The file name of Color section is “C1.jpg”, “C2.jpg”, “C3.jpg” and “C4.jpg”.
- Images in CD-ROM and entry forms can be submitted together to the salon chairman by registered post.
- Closing date for receipt of entries: November 12, 2015
Awards Each division of Monochrome, Color Digital Images:
- One“Shenzhen Cup” Gold Medals with 10000 RMB
- Three“ Shenzhen Cup” Silver Medals with 3000RMB
- Five “ Shenzhen Cup” Bronze Medals with 1000RMB
- Twenty Honorable Mention Ribbons.
Special Awards
§ FIAP is presenting 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze Medals and FIAP Honorable Mention Ribbons which are to be awarded to the winner of excellent achievement of each division in the exhibition. The FIAP Best Author will be awarded to the best exhibition author who has achieved the highest number of total acceptances of all the sections.
§ UPI is presenting 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze Medals and UPI Honorable Mention Ribbons which are to be awarded to the winner of excellent achievement of each division in the exhibition
§ IPF is presenting 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze Medals which are to be awarded to the winner of excellent achievement of each division in the exhibition.
Mr. CHENGYI SUN Salon Chairman Room 706, Taibai Road No.2009, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province,China. 518019
E-Mail : [email protected]
谨定于2015年11月25日至12月3日在深圳市罗湖美术馆 举行『第二届深圳国际摄影展览』。现诚邀世界各地摄影家、摄影师及摄影爱好者选送作品参加。
一、 本摄影展览欢迎任何人士参加,但当主办单位或赞助机构经谨慎审核后,认为某些参加作品并不符合本展览章程时,可决定拒绝其参加。
二、 本届展览共设两组: 黑白数码影像组及彩色数码影像组,每人每组限交作品四帧,各组须分别填写参加表格。
三、 参加费:免费
四、 本展览遵守国际影艺联盟(FIAP)所订之条例办理,所有入选作品皆发给电子版入选证,而成绩通知单将由电邮寄出。
五、 所有参加作品,必须为作者亲自拍摄之作品及必须拥有该作品之所有版权及承担板权条例之全部责任,参加者已承认所递交之作品是其本人之作品及允许主办机构及有关之主办单位可以把全部或部份作品公开展示,或用于日后的印刷品包括展览目录、本机构出版之刊物、有关宣传单张或于报章发表,或上载至主办单位之网页而不需负任何费用。
六、 本会将尽力小心处理所有交来之作品及所有物料,但不论任何原因而导致之损毁或遗失,本机构将不负任何责任或作任何形式之赔偿。
七、 得奖者均可免费获赠精美展览画册一份。
八、 每位参加者之投交之四张作品,将会分别于四个循环评选。评选团之决定为最终之决定,参加者不得异议。
九、 凡投送作品参加本届国际摄影展览,即承认并同意本简章所订之规约。
十、 每人每组最多只可缴交四张作品。图片尺寸为2400像素至3000像素之间,档案大小为2MB至3MB之间的JPEG文件。文件名称:彩色组:C1,C2,C3,C4 黑白组:B1,B2,B3,B4
十一、 截稿时间2015年11月12日
一、主办机构奖项: 每组设深圳杯金奖各一座,人民币各10000元。银奖各三座,人民币各3000元。铜奖各五座,人民币各1000元.优秀奖丝带各20条.
§ 国际影艺联盟(FIAP)送出每组金、银、铜牌各一面及优异丝带各六条颁予黑白电子影像组及彩色电子影像组之优胜者,『国际影艺联盟最佳作者』奖项颁予在本届国际摄影展览所有组别取得最高总成绩的参者。
§ 国际摄影家联盟(UPI)送出每组金、银、铜牌各一面及优异勋带奖各六条颁予黑白电子影像组及彩色电子影像组之优胜者.
§ 国际摄影师联盟(IPF)送出每组金、银、铜牌各一面颁予黑白电子影像组及彩色电子影像组之优胜者.
有关本届展览之通讯地址请寄: 中国广东省深圳罗湖区太白路2009号706沙龙主席孙成毅收启 邮编 518019 电邮:[email protected]