
Jointly organized by Shenzhen Culture Exchange Association, Shenzhen Tourism Board, Shenzhen Federation of Literature and Art, The People’s Government of Luohu District, Shenzhen, and co-organized by China Senior Photographers Association and Guangdong Province Photographers Association, the 1st SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY WEEK 2014 was held in Shenzhen from the 22nd – 30th October, 2014. The 1st SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2014, as the major event of the PHOTOGRAPHY WEEK, obtained acceptations from such authoritative institutions as The International Federation of Photographic Art (‘FIAP’), so that all accepted results of the competition were counted towards applications for FIAP distinctions. The 1st SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2014 consisted of two divisions, Color Digital Images and Monochrome Digital Images. Submitted works were publicly reviewed by a panel of jurors formed by ten internationally renowned photographers. Winners were exhibited at Shenzhen Art Museum from the 22nd – 30th October, 2014, and toured to exhibit at Changshu Art Museum, Ningbo Art Museum, Urumqi Art Museum, Inner Mongolia Art Museum, Chongqing Art Museum respectively in the rest of the year.
This year, 2nd SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2015 receives acceptations and sponsorship of prizes from such authoritative institutions as FIAP, United Photographers International) (‘UPI’) and International Photographers Federation (‘IPF’). Review of submissions for the 2nd SHENZHEN CHINA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2015 will take place on 15th November. The EXHIBITION will commence at Shenzhen Art Museum on the 25th November, 2015. For details, please refer to the official website of the PHOTOGRAPHY WEEK at
由深圳市对外文化交流协会 深圳市文体旅游局 深圳市文学艺术界联合会、罗湖区人民政府联合主办,中国摄影家协会,广东省摄影家协会等协办的“2014首届深圳国际摄影周”于2014年10月22-30日在深圳成功举行。作为摄影周的最主要活动——“2014首届深圳国际摄影艺术展览”,得到了国际影艺联盟(FIAP)等权威机构的认证,获奖作品于2014年10月22日至30日,在深圳美术馆进行展览。并于今年在常熟美术馆 宁波美术馆 乌鲁木齐美术馆 内蒙美术馆 重庆美术馆等巡回展出。
今年的第二届深圳国际摄影艺术展得到国际影艺联盟(FIAP);国际摄影师协会(UPI) 及国际摄影师联盟(IPF)等权威机构认证及赞助奖牌。所有在本赛事中入选的成绩,均计入国际影艺联盟的名衔申请。“2015第二届深圳国际摄影艺术展览”分为彩色和黑白两组,由10名国际知名摄影家组成的评审团进行公开评选,本届深圳国际摄影艺术展将于11月15日在深圳评选。11月25日在深圳罗湖美术馆开幕。本届深圳国际摄影艺术展览的主办:罗湖区委宣传部(文体局) 深圳市罗湖区文学艺术界联合会。承办:深圳市罗湖摄影学会 深圳美术馆 罗湖美术馆 罗湖区文化馆。 深圳市罗湖摄影学会 2015-08-19